Monday, May 25, 2015

The small acts of service, really make a difference! 

we made some really good chicken! that we just bought off the market!

This week, We decided to start working in a different part of our area, since it is so big!

There was a worker that was working outside of our house, the house of bishop, and we passed by a couple times, and we said hi to him of course, and as we were coming home I felt like giving him a pass along card with Christ on it. And as I did, it looked like he had been touched by the Spirit, and had some tears of joy and love. Then we went in the house, and I wondered, why didn't I contact him? So we ran back out of the house, and contacted him. And so yesterday, we were able to find his house, that was way up on this hill, and it was such a miricale that we found him, because I'm not very familiar with the area. However, we found them way up on this hill with his mud and wood-like house, and we sat on some wood logs and taught his family(Paulino). WOW was it great! As his humble ears were open and ready to listen, as his wife barely spoke Spanish, she could feel the loving spirit that we had brought into their home.  There are many humble spirits in these poorer parts of Ayacucho, as many don't even speak spanish . but I know that the small things mean the most! The small acts of service, as seen by our Savior, really make a difference! He was ready to listen and believe every word that we told him. Just like Ammon and Aaron, we can offer service to others, and they will know us by our fruits, by the acts we do and the light that we shine! They will want to know where this light comes from!

Elder Clervice

Our new toothbrush holders!

1 comment:

  1. Chicken, cooked on the floor, rice, eggs, and a Banana (?) Oreo shake! What more could you want? =) I love his happy smile! Don't love the spider! Love the toothbrush holders, may need some for my kids! ;) I love his stories. I have no doubt that Paulino felt the Spirit when these Elders shared this message. I want to go back! =)
