Monday, November 23, 2015

It was amazing to see the Lord work through us

wow, this week was interesting.
I thought it never begun, it was so fast. it's insane haha.

We have been showing our true desires to our Savior. Richard still needs some help, he doesn't feel ready, He wants to feel that same feeling that he had when he had that dream haha.

This past week we had an interesting activity, where the whole zone went to this ward all together and we went to look for all of the less actives to visit them, and as we were going we were walking past this guy who was painting this school. and he says, "hey man, What's up ?" and that will happen a lot here haha. Sometimes they want to showoff that they know a little English haha. And most of the time the are drunk out of their minds haha. But this guy sounded different. He didn't have an accent, so I felt the need to talk to him. And so we did.
He spoke perfect English haha. And we just started to talk, and he said that he was from Utah haha! He  looked latin. but he began to explain his life, as he said that he faught in the Iraq war and how it was the saddest part of his life. and how he always used to go to  church when he was younger, he even got his eagle scout award haha. But then he got in the army. but his fam is back in Utah, but he started his own family in Peru. His name is Cesar Suñíga. Then he started talking about the nba haha, and how he is a golden state fan, I decided not to say anything about who my favorite is haha. But later as we were still talking outside this school, he mentioned to me that he was ready for someone like my comp and I to help change his life. His wife and kids aren't members, so we were super excited about that haha. but I was so glad that we had that acitvity , or we wouldn't have been there at that time to find him. because he works from 6 to 10 at night.
It was amazing to see the Lord work through us. As missionaries don't really do anything besides be apart of His great work and glory, as we get converted on the way. It is just a huge blessing to be here. The Lord is making changes and they are quick ones. As I have seen His hands working, they don't stop. and they won't.
I love you mom!
Elder C¡ark

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