Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The power of the temple

The power of the temple.
Yesterday we were with a part member family. Wilmar is the father and Norma is the mother, Wilmar is less active and norma is catholic. However as she began to understand the need for restoration and how there was a big fall of the church, her heart opened up. She began to allow the spirit to touch her heart. She truly listened. We talked of the TEMPLE== ´´el fin´ the end. The purpose of why we are here, to gain life eternal, which consits of living with the family forever with God. And wow was there power!

Everything we should do should help us prepare to enter into the temple with our family! If we wouldn't do it, listen to it, or say it the temple, why would we do it outside of it?
Why would we live two lives...?

I'm still not there and never will, until the next life. But it's something we should strive to do!
And thats why we teach it.


Poop on the shirt.  We have to do our laundry here and we have to dry our clothes outside, and yeah...

 Ward activity
Being a district leader is so fun. I didn't know it was haha. To be able to see the progress of your missionaries, as they begin to improve through the power and gift of the grace of God! 
This area we have a pension. She is so great! So loving with her food and everything. 
Late at night studying-haha

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