Monday, January 19, 2015

Many signs & signals

There are so many things that happen in our lives, many signs and signals that the Lord gives us. But if we aren't looking , we will miss these precious little gifts from our Father in Heaven.

About a month ago we were receiving calls from a member from the ward. He had a friend who was asking us to give him a blesssing. And this week we were finally about to get with him and give him a blessing. His name is Carlos Rivera. He's taller than me, there aren't many surprisingly haha. But he's tall but very skinny because he has this very bad back sickness. that has injuried his spin. And he can't eat a lot or something like that. But he has lost a ton of weight. and he is just the most humble man. You can tell he was already a humble man before his illness.

But its so amazing to see his attendful mind as he understands every bit of doctrine. and is so willing to change and truly understand that the our Lord knows everything that he is going through. As he is only 28 years old. going through this rough stage in his life, as it's hard for him to read, so we pick out special verses for him to focus on.

I know that he will follow the example of Christ. As the lord has given him this speacial trial so that he was lead to us.

I know the Saviour knows all that we are going through.

and that through HIM we can change. We can let go of our weight that we sometimes carry for so long upon our shoulders.

We just need to come unto him in humble prayer and pour out our souls unto him.

He is waiting with open arms .

Mosiah 24;13-14

Eldar Clark

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