Monday, May 16, 2016


Wow this week was great. Sorry I still don't have my adapter to send pics. However, we found some very special people this week. One was yesterday, David Cortez, he has been a member for a very long time, and he hasn't been visited for over 10 years or something. So it was amazing that we found him, he wasn't in the ward directory. We spoke with him yesterday. He told us a lot about him. He has 5 brohters and sisters and he lives with 2 of them, their house is big, his dad lives on the bottom floor and his mom on the top and he hasn't talked to his dad in 15 years he said... wow that was so crazy to hear.. I felt so bad for him. He is divorced and lives with his daughter who is super rebelous. Which is sad, but we watched, Gracias a El, the video that came out last year, and it was super spiritual, to see him super repentant, and willing to change!!

It's so great to feel that love for the people. You want them to feel that hope, that they really can change, it's not enough to just tell them, when you want them to feel it so bad, you really just start to plead to them haha, you can do it!!!!!
I finished the book of mormon with my theme of steadfastness, and wow did I learn so much. I am going to finish it again before I head home haha, I can't wait.
I love you mom. I hope things are going well, and that you're not getting too trunky haha!
love elder elark
*mom note-Gracias a Él is the video "Because of Him".
 Brandon used a small Book of Mormon & used the theme "steadfastness" to study from start to finish, he showed it to us on Skype.  He wants to continue to study this way & have a book case filled with book of Mormons with different study topics.

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