Monday, June 13, 2016

The Continuous Atonement

Well, I don't have much to say, just that things are super strange. Considering that I won't be a missionary soon... never thought that would happen, that's for sure...
However, we had a huge privilege to see Elder Rasband this past week. It was so wonderful to see him and to get to shake his hand and feel the power that he has. Wow, was it just wonderful. He spoke of how, when he shakes the hands of the missionaries, he looks into their eyes and how he can tell how that certain missonary is doing. And how sometimes there's a missionary who doesn't look into his eyes. I thought that was so interesting to hear. And how it applies in a lot of things with parents and how it happens to us as missionaries as well. The eyes are the light of the world. The spirit was so strong in that meeting. I will never forget that moment. It is crazy how we have had two visits from 2 of the 12 apostles come and visit us in the last year or so. It has been so special.
I have been learning so much this past week in that amazing book, The continuous atonement, here are some quotes I love:

The repenting sinner must suffer for his sins, but this suffering has a different purpose than punishment or payment. Its purpose is change.

God's love is found not ony in the ark but also in the flood.

Earthly life is not merely a way of proving myself to them, but also a way for them to prove their love to me.

Doing is only a means of being.

I love this one because I like to think of the hymn, I am a child of God.
*teach me all that I must BE.

I love the mission, which allows me to learn all of these wonderful principles of the Gospel.

2lder Clar9

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