Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cleaning up from the fire & Ruben got baptized

Well, I have a new companion Elder Siesquen. He is super cool. He is from Trujillo. Super humble, he blows me out of the water with that, haha.
Ruben got baptized this week. He is super. Very straight with everything, very exact. I love that guy. He is very perserverant, if that's even how you spell it.
We were able to visit the family that we saved last Monday. We went back to help them clean up the house and things, and we saw more of the story, of how there were 3 gas tanks that were so close to blowing up, and literally how all of them were going to die for sure, if we didn't come to help them, they were so grateful for our help. We got the ward to help out as well, they all donated clothes and helped to build up the house again. It was a wonderful site. It brought tears to my eyes.  I couldn't believe what we were seeing, it was so wonderful. I will  never forget it. Then two days later they came to the baptism and they liked it. The Dad was very humbled and excited to see all these new things. We are going to focus on teaching them this week. We are so excited to help them spiritually now.
I know that all things happen for a reason. And that His plan is perfect, or it wouldn't be His plan. I love His plan and His will, which helps me to move forward in life and to be able to get closer to him.

My companion's name is elder siesquen

and everyone jokes saying 'si es quen' (like yes its Kent, like Clark Kent) it's too perfect haha

Elder si es quen Clark

We did service for the family in the house  that burnt down. They all came to Ruben's baptism. They are awesome, it was so great!  

Here was the family on Sunday night. It was great to see them. We have them in our hearts forever. They are a big family!

Elder Morales was transferred to Pisco. He is awesome! 

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