Monday, December 7, 2015

Independencia is great!

wow what a week!!!

Independencia is great! It's a little small town filled with farm areas, but it is super smalll, but there is lots of work to be done. Which is great! I am super excited, my testimony has grown over these past 7 days.. as all we need is faith to find those who are ready to listen, and have faith that we are doing what he has asked us to do. And to have faith in what we really are doing is and will be the will the of the Lord.

I am happy the Lord has sent me here to learn. That he only asks for the faith with the attitude that shines and understands His will and hopes for it.

I love you mom! can't wait to talk to you!

love elder Ciark
We followed this guy for about a half an hour to get to an appointment , it was awesome , him and his little black dog!

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