Monday, August 17, 2015

My faith is increased

This week was wonderful as we saw the light of Christ. My faith definitely increased in it.

This man named Ricardo didn't believe in God or anything. he was a little hard hearted. However, one day he was walking in the street and something caught his attention, it was a preacher. So after listening for about an hour he went home and pondered about it and began to pray. He felt this peace come other him with something warm inside of him! Then he felt the need to repent, so he did, and felt the same peace again. Then he was lead to the bible and began to read of Christ and his life. But then came the questions and doubts. The Joseph Smith questions. Then his sister in law was talking to him about his doubts and told him about the missionaries who might be able to help him out. haha 'might'¡ haha well we were able to teach him last yesterday, as this was where the light of Christ and the Holy Ghost began to work together, well they always are. But he felt the truthfulness of the message, and said, wow that does make sense, why wouldn't God come and visit us other here too . as he had these desires to know and to follow this light and ask God. he listened to the spirit even though he may not of known it himself. but he did. We are going to be teaching his whole family tomorrow with his wife.

elder clurk!

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