Monday, November 23, 2015

It was amazing to see the Lord work through us

wow, this week was interesting.
I thought it never begun, it was so fast. it's insane haha.

We have been showing our true desires to our Savior. Richard still needs some help, he doesn't feel ready, He wants to feel that same feeling that he had when he had that dream haha.

This past week we had an interesting activity, where the whole zone went to this ward all together and we went to look for all of the less actives to visit them, and as we were going we were walking past this guy who was painting this school. and he says, "hey man, What's up ?" and that will happen a lot here haha. Sometimes they want to showoff that they know a little English haha. And most of the time the are drunk out of their minds haha. But this guy sounded different. He didn't have an accent, so I felt the need to talk to him. And so we did.
He spoke perfect English haha. And we just started to talk, and he said that he was from Utah haha! He  looked latin. but he began to explain his life, as he said that he faught in the Iraq war and how it was the saddest part of his life. and how he always used to go to  church when he was younger, he even got his eagle scout award haha. But then he got in the army. but his fam is back in Utah, but he started his own family in Peru. His name is Cesar Suñíga. Then he started talking about the nba haha, and how he is a golden state fan, I decided not to say anything about who my favorite is haha. But later as we were still talking outside this school, he mentioned to me that he was ready for someone like my comp and I to help change his life. His wife and kids aren't members, so we were super excited about that haha. but I was so glad that we had that acitvity , or we wouldn't have been there at that time to find him. because he works from 6 to 10 at night.
It was amazing to see the Lord work through us. As missionaries don't really do anything besides be apart of His great work and glory, as we get converted on the way. It is just a huge blessing to be here. The Lord is making changes and they are quick ones. As I have seen His hands working, they don't stop. and they won't.
I love you mom!
Elder C¡ark

Monday, November 16, 2015

My dream

This week was great. We found Elvis and Diana, a great family, as we were looking through the directory, we felt they would be a good member to visit, the member actually moved to Italy, but we a found a less acive, Diana who was baptized when she was little then she was inactive when she moved. And the rest of the family aren't members, we were super excited when we found them, as we searched for more inspiration, it was wonderful, we hope to help them.
mom, I keep having this dream haha,like all the Peruvians tell us, that they have dreams all the time, almost all the investigators tell us that, that they have this crazy dream and they want us to interpret it haha it's great!
This dream I keep having is that I am playing basketball and I can't make my shots whatsoever! even the little bunnies haha.

And so all day I was thinking about what it means,because I keep having it, all throughout my mission. and then I finally understood the dream, it was that, I didn't understand my role, or sometimes we think we know our role, or to score, when it's something else. Knowing the will of God and the role HE has for us.

I know that to be true. I know we all have roles and we need to understand and find those roles that the Lord has planned for us in this life and the after.

Sorry for such the short letter... I had so much to tell, but I had some computer problems again..

but I love you guys.

love your son
elder clark
Columbia Candy-it is really sweet

The Frisancho family

Monday, November 9, 2015

Luck? I think not!

well, this week, like all weeks are filled with miracles. I love it.
We visited the Familia de Aguila yesterday. When we visit with active families, we have been asked to share the first vision. and as we began to start, the sister of the father walked in. Her name is Magdalena.
And it was such a miracle. as the timing was perfect, as we showed up a little late, the first visit was cancelled, and so this visit was so inspired. She almost died a couple years ago, as the doc said she only had 6 months to live. and the son of Cesar gave her a book of mormon awhile back and she was reading it. and she was interested in listening, it was such the grace of God.
Then Cesar gave us a refferal of his friend at work, who had found a pamphlet at work of the restoration. And he was super interested in the Book of Mormon and kept asking Cesar for one. But he wasn't able to get in contact with us, so he just said that we might be able to pass by on Sunday haha.
But then we decided that we should go and find him. We didn't know where he lived, however, as we were looking or walking up the hill we found him walking down the hill. And he stopped us and asked us who were looking for. And we said, ATILIO, and he said, thats me. Let's go!
The best part was when we said that we were going to give him a Book of Mormon, he asked how much it was. And it was awesome! He was so grateful that it was free! He was super happy. There are more details to the story with the schedule and all, how everything was set up. How he always took another path to leave his house, how we almost could have stayed longer in another lesson, all this stuff, but it was all part of His plan and how these people were ready to listen and to hear the TRUTH!
I love you mom!
Apple Fritter!
Happy Halloween! 
Ultimate Frisbee at the beach

Monday, November 2, 2015

I love you

Thank you for that amazing advice mom! It is so true. After having a rough week, of challenges out of reach, I don't give myself enough credit haha. I always put myself low... I was going to send a bunch of great pics and recordings ... but the computer had problems... with the memory and all this... but again the Lord knows how to humble me even more..
But mom don't think because I am ignorant you are too. I mean look at Noah haha. But I love you mom. I don't have any amazing stories to tell. Even though sometimes I feel like I always need to have them to share to prove that I am a good missionary or that I am actually working so hard. but I just need to trust more in him and understand that HE is the one that does it all...not us. And sometimes I feel like I need to tell you all some amazing story to look good. or fun pics. but Satan just tries to get me down on my self..
I mean sometimes or many times I forget the small things. Like after playing on the beach this pday, we came home to no water, and we had to go out and teach... it was rough haha. but in the night we came home and there was water at 11pm at night. for the first time in 5 months there was water.. the water goes after 4.  It was a miracle haha. The Lord knows every thing that we need, even to the smallest of things.
We were able to teach Richard this week with his wife and newly born. He told us of a great story how he had a dream many years ago, that Christ was in the air above him with light shining from him. and with his hands stretched out towards him, saying "come¨ wow. It was a great story. He said he woke up that morning with an amazing feeling that he never had felt and he still hasn't felt it until today. He accepted a date for the 28th, as a goal that if he feels that same feeling, then he will get baptized. They are a great family. please pray for them, so that he, Richard can have that feeling again, but it also depends on the will of the Lord.
but I love this family.
I complain too much ma- haha. Sometimes I forget of all the great blessings we have. even though we really don't have anymore legit investigators other than them. {but it's so great to be with them}
How is your friend mom? Has she been studying with you?
I love you mom! that's why I get so mad when I cant send pics haha.
love your son!
elder clark