Monday, March 30, 2015

The Lord is pouring out His blessings

I have been thinking of you all so very much this week. I have had some very spiritual experiences with elder Ivancovich. We are finding many and teaching many. We are doing lots of hard work, more than ever, we are evaluating and reevaluating our works and lessons, and what we can do better. As the Lord is pouring out His blessing about us.

We have become like bestfriends in the work as we are having lots of success from the mercy of the Lord. As the lord as provided the way for us, as we have found 2 new families, apart from the other 2 we found the week before, and the families we are already working on. But the vision is there, and we are both very excited with what we are able to do here.
1 Nefi 17.13.
He has provided the way for us. And he will continue to open this gateway for us, as we stay obedient and diligent in the lords vineyard.

But we are very happy that we were able to baptize Brother John, as he was very timid for his baptism, but very excited for this day.

I know this work is of the Lord and we are so blessed to be apart of it, and there is no time to waste in His vineyard.

Elder ClUrk

2Nefi26.24... he will not do anything that will not bless his children.

I know that this is true.  He loves us and wants to bless us. and through His sacrafice of His only Son, We may and will be blessed eternally

Baptism of John Dipaz wearing my tie from Papa Toes!

Training with Elder Waddell from the quorum of the 70.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Crispy New Companion!

Welp all I can say is that I have been so blessed to have my new comp, Elder Ivancovich from Fresno, California. We will do such amazing work. I cant wait!
Elder Clarkovich

Elder Ivancovich!!! He is the crispiest man on the block. We are going to work!!! We have been good friends for a while. It was such a shocker that we got to be comps. His old area closed down, so he came with me. Gorgie left haha. We now have the biggest area in the world haha!

Trip to Lima to see Elder Waddell of the 70

Good bye Elder Borjamy

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Gospel is Good News!

Well, I guess I will explain myself about the people we found a couple weeks back.

The first one, Edward, he is man  with a broken heart, he has been suffering a lot..

He needs the Atonement and to feel of the love that it brings.

The second was a  family. We were looking for this name from ward counsel, and he wasn't there , but to the house next to it was a member who called us over and she was visiting, and so I asked her if she could introduce us to her fam. and so we did. and now we are teaching them. But there also was another member who was the best out of them all, so ready, but she had to leave for Lima. but said she was definitely going to look for the missionaries in Lima. They will be so happy when she comes to the missionaries over there.

I probably had more faith that week than I will ever have.

But I have learned so much and had so much happen . I feel behind , on updating you all haha. It's like those people that are behind on their tv shows haha.

But something cool I learned is the definition of the Gospel. I don't know if everyone already knew this but, It means good tidings, or good news.

AND this good news is the atonement!

The Atonement is all the GREATEST thing that we have to offer to all.

I know it, I will let everyone know of the HOPE.

Elder Clawk

Monday, March 9, 2015

Brandon's translated voice recording

Brandon said he had 35 emails and didn't have time to write.  He apologized for not emailing last week & tried to make it up to me by sending a voice recording, pictures of his journal entries & 20 photos. So I translated a voice recording he sent to us to share with you all:

I was kissed twice today by a 60 year old man on the street.  That was a weird thing. I was dying laughing after he walked away.  The man told me I was earth. He told me I was earth and told me a bunch of other stuff that was just crazy. Just funny things like that happen.

We are out of lesson 1 pamphlets, so we came up with a great idea and we made copies of the pamphlets, it was so hard, but we were able to get it done so we can give them to people.  It was really hard to make, they’re only in black & white, but it was awesome.

We got a miracle new investigator today.  He felt the need to walk into the church as he was passing the church.  So he went in & met with the mission leader.  The guy ended up calling us and asked if he could meet with us that night.  So we got to meet with him that night & it was really interesting to see this broken down man. He was totally broken & torn.  He told us a bunch of things & all the rough things he’s gone through.  For example, his dad died recently & he was in a huge accident with a motorcycle.  He flipped a bunch of times in the air and landed on his head.  AND HE LIVED! He said he’s been smoking & drinking since he was 14 years old, and all these things. And man, wow, this guy just came to us like a humble son that’s done something bad & asked for forgiveness.  He went to the Lord, and the Lord was ready with open hands.  And he told us how difficult his life is and all the things he’s going through.  But there is no limit to the atonement.  It’s going to take a lot of work to help him out.  The atonement is for everybody.  And only through the atonement he can make it.  It was a pretty powerful day. Pretty Awesome!
Service Project

Road trip on Pday

The Monument to the battle of Ayacucho, for Peru's independence.